English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai ban sha'awa" ita ce jawo hankali da kuma riƙe sha'awar wani sosai, sau da yawa ta hanyar zama sabon abu, mai ban mamaki, ko tursasawa. Yana nuna wani abu mai ban sha'awa, mai ban sha'awa, ko ban sha'awa.


  1. enchanting
  2. captivating
  3. entrancing
  4. bewitching
  5. enthralling

Sentence Examples

  1. He doubted the usefulness of those criminology textbooks Capstick was so fond of, but the body language stuff he found fascinating.
  2. I wish I could put down all he said exactly as he said it, for to me it was most fascinating.
  3. Watching his massive and powerful body was fascinating.
  4. For his part, Arthur found himself replaying in his mind the all-too-brief encounter with that fascinating woman.
  5. That amused me less but I kept it to myself and returned to my fascinating conversation with his boss.
  6. So absorbed were his thoughts with this fascinating young woman, he failed to notice Lance glowering down at her as he mounted the horse.
  7. Fascinating though the Sergeant Gray murder report was, Sant could only read non-stop for an hour before his head started spinning and his eye muscles packed in.
  8. Watching him work was so fascinating that one day I struck up a conversation with him.
  9. It is fascinating how the human mind can follow all these threads in short bursts of apparently random thoughts.
  10. War Eagle hugs Beaver Lake and includes signs of past visitors such as Civil War soldiers in addition to its fascinating rock outcrops.