English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na “fanged” sifa ce da ke bayyana wani abu da ke da ko kamanceceniya, masu dogayen haƙoran haƙora, musamman waɗanda ake samu a cikin dabbobi masu ci kamar kerkeci, damisa, ko maciji. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar "fanged" don kwatanta wani abu mai ban tsoro ko barazana, kamar dodo mai fage ko makamin fage.

Sentence Examples

  1. Behind them, thousands of the little guys moved in, showing off their fanged teeth.
  2. With the sizeable fanged creature contained, Elizabeth directed her attention to the screaming people running in all directions.
  3. The dragon wings made up the front of the case, and the head stretched over the top, gripped a chain in its fanged mouth.
  4. Black fanged, streaked with seaweed, spangled with whelks and mussels, they alternatively appeared and vanished as the waves surged, exploded, and receded.