English to hausa meaning of

<> Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “imani” tana nufin ƙaƙƙarfan imani ko dogara ga wani ko wani abu, musamman ba tare da hujja ko hujja ba. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga imani na addini ko tsarin imani na addini, sau da yawa ya haɗa da imani ga wani iko mafi girma ko allahntaka. A cikin wannan mahallin, ana iya ɗaukar bangaskiya a matsayin nau'i na ibada na ruhaniya ko na addini. Bugu da ƙari, kalmar na iya nufin amincin mutum ko amincewa ga wani dalili, imani, ko mutum.

Sentence Examples

  1. Or maybe faith, possibly faith, for I confess I have none.
  2. Ours should be the same, for there is so much we have learned from the great spiritual teachers about love, faith, hope, and trust.
  3. GPS is creating a blind faith that it knows best, sending people driving into rivers and lakes, even when the obstacle is right before their eyes.
  4. There is much at stake in a battle for a king or a kingdom and religious faith is at the heart of the journey that connects chess, seekers of conquest through perceived divine guidance, and a covenant people.
  5. Attending the funeral with my family was a good show of faith.
  6. All this portion of Bundelcund, which is little frequented by travellers, is inhabited by a fanatical population, hardened in the most horrible practices of the Hindoo faith.
  7. Faith reveals there is nothing to fear behind the curtain or in the forest.
  8. Nevertheless, it took a leap of faith to look into her eyes.
  9. I am placing great faith in you to allow you to do it.

TV Series Examples



l betrayed the faith of my king...