English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "fade" ita ce a hankali a rage bambanta, a rasa haske ko launi, ko ragewa a hankali cikin ƙarfi, girma, ko ƙarfi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin ɓacewa a hankali ko rasa mahimmanci ko dacewa akan lokaci. Bugu da ƙari, "fade" na iya nufin nau'in tasirin canji da aka yi amfani da shi a cikin fim ko gyaran bidiyo, inda hoto ko sauti ya narke ko kuma ya ɓace zuwa wani.


  1. disappearance

Sentence Examples

  1. As I walked back inside, I heard the roar of the truck as it came to life and then listened to it fade as he drove away.
  2. He opened his eyes to see the mirrors fade from view as he ascended.
  3. Suddenly, Lori starts to fade, although the smile never leaves her lips, and we all gasp at the thought of her moving on.
  4. If he stayed in human form, the effect would fade in a few days.
  5. When I sing, I feel free, and everything else seems to fade away.
  6. I tiptoed into the vestibule with my eyes closed, turned to the right, and felt my composure fade.
  7. Finally, the blinding light of day began to fade, and the heat started backing off ever so little.
  8. It was a bizarre experience to watch my hand fade away, then my arm, then the rest of my body.
  9. Alec felt his father gathering energy, and he felt his hopes for a peaceful resolution fade.
  10. Charlie sensed the drug euphoria fade and elation left him.