English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "factor" na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, amma gaba ɗaya, yana nufin wani abu da ke ba da gudummawa ga sakamako ko sakamako. Ga wasu ma'anar "factor" daga ƙamus daban-daban: Merriam-Webster: "wanda ke yin kasuwanci ko yin ciniki ga wani" Oxford English Dictionary: "a circumstance , gaskiya, ko tasirin da ke ba da gudummawa ga sakamako ko sakamako" Kamus na Cambridge: "hakika ko yanayi da ke rinjayar sakamakon wani abu" Kamus na Collins: "a factor is one. na abubuwan da ke shafar wani taron, yanke shawara, ko yanayi" Dictionary.com: "daya daga cikin abubuwan da ke ba da gudummawa ga wani sakamako ko yanayi"A cikin ilimin lissafi , "factor" na iya komawa zuwa lamba ko magana da aka ninka ta wata lamba ko magana don samar da samfur.

Sentence Examples

  1. Since they were very elderly, their age may have been a factor, but Cianne had the distinct impression that whatever was going on between them was being orchestrated, for the most part, by her father, Moiria, Elder Borean, and Elder Vorfarth.
  2. It was this possibility just another factor which could drive a wizard to madness.
  3. Further adding to the class factor, I mixed the wine with Fanta into order to be able to chug it alongside my beer-drinking companions during drinking games.
  4. Another factor that influenced my decision was that riding in a taxi with a local driver seemed more secure than driving our own car.
  5. If the cluster were stable-an asteroid belt or a small system-then it would have only taken a few minutes, even seconds, to go around it at almost any warp factor.
  6. Was it an environmental factor, or more plausibly, multiple factors, that spontaneously altered our DNA, which in turn woke up portions of our sleeping minds?
  7. Never again would blond hair be a deciding factor when it came to my being attracted to a woman.
  8. The creep factor soars through the roof in this tight, dark space, and we also learn that Baker might have experimented on folks here as well.
  9. However easily he succeeded in talking to all of them, in living with all of them, in learning from all of them, he was still aware that there was something which separated him from them and this separating factor was him being a Samana.
  10. But that is not the most important factor in my dealings with you.