English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "extreme" ita ce: Ima babba ko mafi girma; mai girma ko tsananin. wuce kima ko tsattsauran ra'ayi. mai tsanani; serious. Misalan yadda za a iya amfani da kalmar “extreme” a cikin jumla: Yanayin yanayi ya yi tsanani sosai, da iska mai karfi da nauyi. dusar ƙanƙara. Ƙuƙwalwar ɗan wasan ga horo ya wuce gona da iri, domin yana yin sa'o'i da yawa a kowace rana. na al'ada.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was only with extreme effort that he stopped the excited animal from taking flight.
  2. At one extreme is daydreaming, in which we almost fully remove ourselves from reality in short bursts.
  3. I had to go to extreme lengths to get him to trust me.
  4. He had tried, successfully he thought, to maintain a front of friendly courtesy but the effort had been extreme.
  5. Then he swung from one extreme to the other and began to blither.
  6. Until he has the energy to repair it, he can only be moved with extreme care.
  7. The ground was level except the extreme right side where it sloped off into the forest and a glen.
  8. From high above, the sun was generating comfortable warmth, but in a couple more hours the heat would be extreme.
  9. Tarkyn was dismayed to realise that, even though the oath was so extreme in its consequences, he was not ready to lose the power it gave him.
  10. From this point the road, running along Humboldt River, passed northward for several miles by its banks then it turned eastward, and kept by the river until it reached the Humboldt Range, nearly at the extreme eastern limit of Nevada.