English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “cire” yana nufin wani abu, yawanci a cikin ruwa, wanda aka ciro ko cire shi daga shuka, abinci, ko wani abu ta hanyar amfani da tsari kamar latsa, tafasa, ko distilling. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga ɗan gajeren nassi ko nakalto da aka ɗauko daga dogon rubutu.A matsayin fi’ili, “cire” yana nufin cirewa ko fitar da wani abu, sau da yawa ta hanyar tsari ko ƙoƙari. Hakanan yana iya nufin samun ko samo wani abu, kamar bayanai ko ƙarshe, daga tushe ko yanayi.


  1. distil
  2. distill

Sentence Examples

  1. After some time shunting about tea towels, oven gloves, aprons, plastic bags, boxes of matches and candles, a roll of cling wrap, several cork screws and a never-used rolling pin gifted by my mother, I kneel down and extract the contents item by item, shaking and rattling until I find the key lodged in a small leather pouch.
  2. And such bunkers could be built by any building company, so how do you extract this specific information from the thousands of builders working in the metropolitan area?
  3. The demon let loose a terrible string of indecipherable words but was unable to extract itself from the ground.
  4. In place of vanilla extract, brandy or whisky can be substituted.
  5. She knew well that the means existed within the confines of the Tower to extract any convenient confession.
  6. I was standing on the pavement watching Celestino extract the baby carrier from the back seat.
  7. In the living room, I sit on the second-to-last tread of the stairs and extract his necklace, rolling the stone pendant between my thumb and finger, then idly inspecting the broken clasp.
  8. Up ahead women squatted, cutting at vast mounds of red earth with string to extract stones.
  9. Collate this with the date of the fifth extract made by myself from the newspapers.
  10. He then proceeded, in a hurried and agitated manner, to extract from a side-pocket in his surtout a large morocco pocket-book.