English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙarin" ita ce: an ƙara zuwa abin da ya rigaya yake ko akwai; ƙarifiye da abin da aka saba ko ake tsammani; na musamman ba na cikin simintin gyare-gyare na yau da kullun ko ma'aikatan jirgin; a bangon wasan kwaikwayo ko ɗan wasan kwaikwayowani abu ko mutum wanda ke da ƙarin ko ragi ga buƙatuKalmar “ƙarin” ana iya amfani da ita azaman sifa, adverb, ko suna. . A matsayin sifa, yana bayyana wani abu da ya fi buƙatu ko ake tsammani. A matsayin adverb, yana canza kalma kuma yana nuna cewa an yi wani abu zuwa mafi girma fiye da yadda aka saba ko tsammanin. A matsayin suna, tana iya komawa ga mutum ko wani abu da ke da ƙari ko ragi ga buƙatu.


  1. duplicate

Sentence Examples

  1. Upon informing Derek that I needed to return home for a family obligation, he generously suggested adding extra days to relax before everything exploded at the network, then assigned me to interview his latest source.
  2. It was mainly High-Realmers and Mid-Realmers around, chatting amiably, or else getting some extra training in.
  3. Add that to my extra money to help Della with Jake and supplies, and I needed a savings account.
  4. She had taken extra care to provide some subtle insulation, filling any gaps and cracks she found and ensuring that her door fit snugly into its frame.
  5. His cat-like pupils were big tonight, adding an extra gleam to the blood-red pools around them.
  6. The huge, unruly plants provided them with extra cover, shielding them from stray eyes.
  7. She wound the line around the beam and took extra care with the knot, mindful of the value of the gift.
  8. House Staerleigh could have paid extra for fancier, more ornamental gear, which told Kila their intent was likelier to be to impress upon their visitors that their gates were secure than it was to show off their wealth.
  9. While Myriam selected a cup of herbal tea and a fruit salad, I ordered a double espresso and a slice of coffee cake, needing the extra boost.
  10. When an extra ticket becomes available to see the dress rehearsal of King Lear, Kellan tags along with Nana D and her buddies.