English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kashe" ita ce kashe (wuta ko haske), don haifar da gushewa ko haskakawa, ko lalata ko kawar da (wani abu) gaba ɗaya. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin kashewa ko danne wani abu, kamar motsin rai, sha'awa, ko bege. Gabaɗaya, kalmar “extinguished” tana nufin tsarin sa wani abu ya daina wanzuwa ko aiki.

Sentence Examples

  1. A candle fell to the floor and was extinguished by a man.
  2. He burned just as fiercely as his former comrade had, and extinguished just as quickly too.
  3. In a few moments the candlelight was extinguished and I heard a door shut.
  4. That got a laugh from we office-dwellers, a laugh that extinguished much of the exhaustion from a lot of faces.
  5. The exterior of the bus looked bad enough, its bodywork battered and scorched by flames not long since extinguished.
  6. He extinguished his light and felt the velvety blackness pressing on him.
  7. One, with a fan and some bits of paper, performed the graceful trick of the butterflies and the flowers another traced in the air, with the odorous smoke of his pipe, a series of blue words, which composed a compliment to the audience while a third juggled with some lighted candles, which he extinguished successively as they passed his lips, and relit again without interrupting for an instant his juggling.
  8. Just before sinking within the turgid sea, its central fires suddenly went out, as if hurriedly extinguished by some unaccountable power.
  9. First of all, the worthy fellow had gone up to his room, and had extinguished the gas burner, which had been burning for eighty days.
  10. Pushed by web distractions and the increasing speed necessary to deliver on our multitasking outcomes, we are moving ever faster into a cave lit by neon bright lights we never imagine will be extinguished.