English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kyakkyawa" ita ce: mafi kyawun kyau ko farantawa, musamman ta hanya mai laushi ko rikitacciyar hanyamallakar fasaha na musamman ko hankali. misalan: Ta sa riga mai kyau ga ƙwallo. zane-zane sun kasance ayyukan fasaha masu ban sha'awa. Mai dafa abinci ya shirya abinci mai daɗi wanda ya faranta wa kowa da kowa a teburin farin ciki. Raɗaɗin da ke cikin gwiwa na yana da daɗi, yana sa ya yi wuyar tafiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. Tarkyn thought about the servants, the grand banquets and balls, the exquisite furnishings and the clothes he had left behind.
  2. On some level, she desperately wanted to return and feel the exquisite sensations of sharing energy again, but there was no way in hell she was going to let herself be controlled through this bond.
  3. He succumbs to an exquisite sense of belonging to the exotic, so far from the oaks and hollyhocks of home.
  4. He smiled his exquisite smile as the mock-battle ended.
  5. It was the exquisite revenge that occupied his attention.
  6. He was the most exquisite creature Brooke had ever seen.
  7. Exquisite pain ran into my quad and hamstring from the bad knee.
  8. She was exquisite, with glossy black hair dark brown skin, and startling sea-green eyes.
  9. It was one of the most exquisite frescoes Kila had ever seen, so lifelike that he half expected Cearus to step out of the wall and begin mingling with the guests.
  10. With her exquisite beauty, she stands out like royalty in the crowd.