English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "bayyana" shine bayyana wani abu dalla-dalla ko gabatar da ka'ida ko ra'ayi bisa tsari da kuma dalla-dalla. Ya ƙunshi bayar da cikakkiyar bayani ko fassarar wani batu ko ra'ayi, sau da yawa da nufin ƙara fahimtarsa ko bayyanawa ga wasu. Fassara na iya haɗawa da ɓarna ra'ayoyi ko gardama zuwa sassaƙaƙa, mafi sauƙin narkewa, ko samar da shaida ko misalai don ƙarfafa wani matsayi ko ra'ayi.


  1. exposition

Sentence Examples

  1. The TV aired a music video for Yaranus the Yeti rock star, whilst Adara, the chosen one, was expounding on one of his legendary feats to a group of adoring Apprentices.
  2. Eric is expounding on goals, but they are set for a long ride and his thoughts wander off.
  3. I understand not your allusions about lines and angles and I leave expounding to those who have been called and set apart for that holy office.
  4. Professor Simon Newcomb was expounding this to the New York Mathematical Society only a month or so ago.