English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "wanda ake tsammani" shine: tsammani ko annabta; ana tunanin faruwar ko isowa. Hakanan yana iya nufin wani abu da ake buƙata ko kuma aka ɗauka ya zama dole a cikin wani yanayi na musamman. A zahiri, abin da ake tsammani yana nufin wani abu da aka hango ko annabta zai faru.

Sentence Examples

  1. Given Nana D expected someone for music lessons, there was a decent chance she was Bridget.
  2. The bolt had more recoil than I expected, vibrating through my hand and stopping as it hit the magicproof sleeve of my jacket.
  3. From the different ranks of training to what Evan was eventually expected to do.
  4. The gargoyle turned faster than Evan expected, its fist clunking against his temple.
  5. As expected it was mainly humans inside, however some moonlight races secretly moved amongst them.
  6. I never expected Carla to reveal anything about Bridget flirting with Striker.
  7. The guards moved closer to me like they expected me to run, but I carried on walking obediently.
  8. An hour later Gettelung returned and as he led her out of the kitchen he explained that Novices were expected to clean as well without using sorcery, to build character.
  9. I might have a harder time trying to reestablish a friendship than expected.
  10. The staff meeting ran longer than expected, and I forgot to bring lunch.

TV Series Examples



Things are expected of me.



None. But it is expected of you.