English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "faɗi" yanki ne mai faɗi ko buɗaɗɗiya ko sarari, yawanci na ƙasa ko teku. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani babba kuma galibi ba a karyewa ko shimfida wani abu, kamar faffadan hamada ko faffadar sama. Bugu da ƙari, za a iya amfani da "fadi" a alamance don bayyana fa'ida ko girman wani abu, kamar faxin ilimi ko fa'din lokaci.

Sentence Examples

  1. The Gash looked quiet and small against the expanse of the Ridge, but he could tell it was at least half a league wide.
  2. When passing over an expanse of water, it becomes necessary to employ small kegs of copper or wood, filled with liquid ballast of a lighter nature than water.
  3. I took control, steering myself away from the arcade, past the green expanse of a city park, and into a cluster of towering office buildings.
  4. I make it back to the Cabildo on time, noting with some cynicism that no expense has been spared by the Lanzarote government to create a sense of civic status the concourse, a vast expanse of pale stone paving interspersed with formal plantings, has even been edged with a patterned paved footpath.
  5. I reached the fourth floor, hit the shadows, sidled up against an outside wall, and repeated the routine of scanning the expanse for any sign of who, what, why, where, and how.
  6. The game had transported them into a wide expanse of orange rocks which appeared to have been a recent battleground, going by the many demon carcasses littering the place.
  7. I skimmed the expanse of the room with a fleeting thought that I could pick out Abby, but no one matched the imagined description.
  8. To their right was a large expanse of grass and some buildings, with people, both old and young, out strolling or playing games.
  9. A voice carried across the expanse of pain and sorrow.
  10. He found he could see them from the Shimmer, projecting his mind out into that great expanse and peering through the Veil as if into a fishbowl.