English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "baje kolin" shine kamar haka:Bayyanawar jama'a na fasaha, kayayyaki, ko wasu abubuwan ban sha'awa, yawanci ana gudanar da su a cikin gidan kayan gargajiya, gidan kayan gargajiya, ko kasuwar baje kolin. . Aiki na nuni ko nuna wani abu don ganin jama'a ko bincike. /li> Nuni na ƙayyadaddun inganci ko halaye, musamman na fasaha a wani yanki. bayyanar.

Sentence Examples

  1. A burglary has occurred at the site where an exhibition of the newly created tech is being held.
  2. The foyer is empty so I take a few steps in the direction of the main exhibition room.
  3. They quizzed Celestino on his methods, his background, his entire creative life story, then without making a purchase the woman handed Celestino a leaflet advertising an art exhibition, telling him he should get himself down to Arrecife to check it out.
  4. As soon as the exhibition was over he brought forward the accomplishments of his ape, assuring the public that he divined all the past and the present, but as to the future he had no skill.
  5. I thought the mainstay of his creative life was the little paintings he sold at the local markets and the occasional exhibition.
  6. He was most unhappy about it, DRAT having scuppered his plans to hold his exhibition at the prestigious Casa de la Cultura Agustín de la Hoz, a grand old house containing a number of murals by Manrique.
  7. When they came to it Master Pedro ensconced himself inside it, for it was he who had to work the puppets, and a boy, a servant of his, posted himself outside to act as showman and explain the mysteries of the exhibition, having a wand in his hand to point to the figures as they came out.
  8. But the principal attraction was the exhibition of the Long Noses, a show to which Europe is as yet a stranger.
  9. Her latest, involving an entire exhibition of paintings swapped, not with forgeries but with different works of art, and some ludicrous explanation as to who was behind it and why, caused him to rise from the couch with sudden mobility, and head straight to his travel agent to book the first available flight to Arrecife.
  10. Jonathan hated this he had a mind to walk over to those two right now and tell them what he thought of them making such an exhibition of themselves.