English to hausa meaning of

A cewar ƙamus, kalmar “excite” fi’ili ce mai ma’anoni kamar haka:Don haifar da tsananin sha’awa ko sha’awa; don tada hankali ko tada hankali. Misalin jumla: Labari mai ban sha'awa ya burge shi ya dauki mataki nan take. motsin rai. Misalin jimla: Ƙarƙar ƙara ta faranta wa jaririn rai har ta sa ta yi kuka. Misalin jumla: Barkwancin ɗan wasan barkwanci ya burge masu sauraro dariya. Misalin jumla: ƙaddamar da sabon samfurin ya burge mutane da yawa a kasuwa. Misalin jumla: Jawabin da dan siyasan ya yi na tunzura jama'a ya burge jama'a da zanga-zanga. ana amfani da shi. Ana ba da shawarar koyaushe don komawa zuwa ƙamus tabbatacce don ingantattun ma'anoni da misalan amfani.

Sentence Examples

  1. The car was twice or, perhaps, three times as large as the former ones, and in front and on the sides stood twelve more penitents, all as white as snow and all with lighted tapers, a spectacle to excite fear as well as wonder and on a raised throne was seated a nymph draped in a multitude of silver-tissue veils with an embroidery of countless gold spangles glittering all over them, that made her appear, if not richly, at least brilliantly, apparelled.
  2. But I must be out of my senses to think and utter such nonsense for it is impossible that a long, white-hooded spectacled duenna could stir up or excite a wanton thought in the most graceless bosom in the world.
  3. She lived with her single daughter in a very small way, and was considered with all the regard and respect which a harmless old lady, under such untoward circumstances, can excite.
  4. I thought I would find out if his apathy were real or only assumed, and tried to lead him to talk of his pets, a theme which had never failed to excite his attention.
  5. Eustache call for me at dark, he will be sure not to call before but, if I wholly neglect to bid him call, my time for escape will be diminished, since it will be expected that I return the earlier, and my absence will the sooner excite anxiety.
  6. The confidante is present, observes all, goes to tell her mistress, who listens with tears and says that one of her greatest distresses is not knowing who this knight is, and whether he is of kingly lineage or not the damsel assures her that so much courtesy, gentleness, and gallantry of bearing as her knight possesses could not exist in any save one who was royal and illustrious her anxiety is thus relieved, and she strives to be of good cheer lest she should excite suspicion in her parents, and at the end of two days she appears in public.
  7. Be careful with him always that there may be nothing to excite him of this kind for a long time to come the traces of such an illness as his do not lightly die away.
  8. He had never been an unhappy man his own temper had secured him from that, even in his first marriage but his second must shew him how delightful a well-judging and truly amiable woman could be, and must give him the pleasantest proof of its being a great deal better to choose than to be chosen, to excite gratitude than to feel it.
  9. I would fain have rebelled, but felt that in the present state of things it would be madness to quarrel openly with the Count whilst I am so absolutely in his power and to refuse would be to excite his suspicion and to arouse his anger.
  10. This being so, I say I thank you, sirs, for the offer you have made me, which places me under the obligation of complying with the request you have made of me though I fear the account I shall give you of my misfortunes will excite in you as much concern as compassion, for you will be unable to suggest anything to remedy them or any consolation to alleviate them.