English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "canza" ita ce ba da abu ɗaya kuma a karɓi wani abu a madadin, yawanci iri ɗaya ko ƙima. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tattaunawa ko sadarwa tsakanin mutane biyu ko fiye waɗanda aka raba ra'ayoyi ko bayanai. Bugu da ƙari, "canzawa" na iya komawa ga aikin musanya ko musanya wani abu da wani abu dabam.

Sentence Examples

  1. Totally impressed, the father and I exchanged amazed looks.
  2. Richard had exchanged it for coins and, despite promising to redeem it, Jack was fairly sure he would never see it again.
  3. The Elders exchanged a look and Daerwyn swooped in.
  4. His servants exchanged expectant glances they knew of the enmity between the two, although not the cause.
  5. We exchanged solemn looks, but I smiled at him gratefully.
  6. They exchanged little conversation after that point.
  7. Next, Derek and I exchanged a brief text conversation.
  8. A couple seated nearby have already exchanged glances.
  9. We looked at each other and exchanged huge grins before he pointed upwards.
  10. The men exchanged uncomprehending glances but moved to obey and soon three more horses thundered through the open gateway.