English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "banda" suna ne da ke nufin mutum ko wani abu da aka keɓe daga jumla ɗaya ko kuma bai bi ka'ida ba, al'amarin da ba a haɗa wani abu a cikin ƙa'ida, yanayi ko yanayi ba. yanayin da wani abu ba na al'ada ba ne ko na yau da kullun, ko rashin yarda ko rashin jituwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. The water-clock was punctual in its duty, and I slept until next morning soundly, with the exception of the periodical interruption.
  2. The exception to the stillness lay at the southern-most edge of the clump of houses.
  3. His face was perfectly symmetrical with the exception of a small crescent-shaped scar nestled in his left eyebrow.
  4. The weather had been beautiful over that last couple weeks, and today was no exception.
  5. Throughout history countries had fought and come together to help one another, this was no exception.
  6. Every girl enjoys dressing up to feel good about herself, and I am no exception.
  7. One thing she noticed very quickly was that, with the exception of the soldiers, there were no men here.
  8. Almost all of them, with the exception of the odd catholic among rank and file, were pro-Ulster, anti-IRA.
  9. The room was empty with the exception of one hard-working soul and the fan keeping him cool.
  10. He has to be touching them for it to work, but apparently Kayla was an exception.