English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙauna" aiki ne na wuce gona da iri ko wuce gona da iri fiye da ainihin mahimmancinsa ko ainihin mahimmancinsa, girmansa, ko mahimmancinsa. Yana nufin sanya wani abu ya zama mafi girma, mafi mahimmanci, mafi ban mamaki, ko mafi girma fiye da yadda yake a zahiri, sau da yawa don zance ko tasiri mai ban mamaki. Yin wuce gona da iri na iya haɗawa da ƙara girma, ƙarfi, mita, ko tsawon wani abu fiye da abin da ake ɗauka na al'ada ko ma'ana. Hakanan yana iya haɗawa da yin amfani da rashin ƙarfi, wuce gona da iri, ko ƙawata don haifar da ma'anar wuce gona da iri.

Sentence Examples

  1. In some of the others there is a good deal of exaggeration.
  2. There are virtues which become crimes by exaggeration.
  3. And saying they expected me to be living with them for more than five minutes was, at the least, a gross exaggeration.
  4. Many are prone to gross exaggeration when it comes to associations with the famous.
  5. The struggle in the smoke had pictured an exaggeration of itself on the bleached cheeks and in the eyes wild with one desire.
  6. Like everything else in these romances, it is a gross exaggeration of the real sentiment of chivalry, but its peculiar extravagance is probably due to the influence of those masters of hyperbole, the Provencal poets.