English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "evolve" shine haɓakawa ko canzawa a hankali a kan lokaci, sau da yawa ta hanyar zaɓin yanayi ko daidaitawa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsarin buɗewa ko faɗaɗawa, ko zuwa ci gaban wani abu a hankali, kamar ra'ayi, ka'ida, ko tsari. Kalmar “evolve” sau da yawa tana nuna ci gaba ko canji mai kyau, kuma ana yawan amfani da ita a cikin mahallin ilmin halitta, kimiyya, ko fasaha, don bayyana hanyar da kwayoyin halitta, ra’ayoyi, ko tsarin ke zama mafi rikitarwa ko nagartaccen lokaci. p>

Sentence Examples

  1. I run until I can no longer breathe, and my surroundings evolve to become drier and more desolate.
  2. Eventually, humans would evolve to have members of their population develop specific characteristics, like the ability to move things without touching them.
  3. He guessed that there was always a threat that the humans on this planet could evolve to the point where those on Koranth and Zoranth had.
  4. Barely discernible, the forest appeared to evolve into a jungle further north, but it was too far away to see properly.
  5. There were three floors, with multiple spaces that seemed to evolve as often as the town.
  6. After a century of being a garg, they evolve into a true Cairnath.
  7. At the three-day mark, infected males stopped being human beings when their DNA mutated to allow a new species to rapidly evolve.
  8. Gar agreed, but stated that even butterflies transform, their nature changing as they evolve from a caterpillar, to a cocoon, to a butterfly.
  9. Twenty-five to thirty-hours to start, could evolve into a full-time position.
  10. In reality, it consists of master nanobots that can evolve its host further than any land animal has ever evolved.