English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "event" ita ce:nounwani abu da ke faruwa ko faruwa, musamman mai mahimmanci ko mahimmanci. > taron jama'a ko na zaman jama'a da aka shirya. wani lamari ko aukuwa a cikin yanayi ko al'umma, yawanci wanda yake abin lura ko mahimmanci. >(musamman a cikin kwamfuta) yana haifar da (aiki ko tsari) faruwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. However, after that event I was banished by Seymour, disinherited by my father and left with nothing as a result.
  2. The holocaust that almost saw the extermination of European Jews had been a prolonged event brought on by forces that had taken years to rise to power.
  3. President Ayrwick, I mean your father, likes a hand-delivered copy of the weekly sporting event schedule each Friday, so he can plan accordingly.
  4. Only, we announced the event to our respective families after the fact, ostensibly to avoid a fuss.
  5. Moreover, he would not, in any event, abandon Aouda, but would escort her to Hong Kong.
  6. I returned home, showered, and dressed for the event.
  7. Northumberland did not really want any more witnesses to this event than were necessary, and those that would see it had been carefully chosen.
  8. Nobody was there to witness his transformation, an event so violent and rapid that it drew the disapproval of the neighbours in the property below.
  9. With the event concluding and the fans heading back to the parking lot for post-game parties, Connor and I called the sheriff to reveal our latest news.
  10. A tropical storm, a rare event on Lanzarote, has chosen this very afternoon to lambast the island.

TV Series Examples



ln the rare event that Robert leaves his whores