English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ko da" yana da ma'anoni da yawa, gami da: (adjective) flat da level; samun santsi mai santsi da na yau da kullun (adjective) samun daidaito ko daidai rarraba sassa ko halaye; uniform (lalaci) da ake amfani da su don jaddada wani abu mai ban mamaki ko matsananciyar (misali "har ma mafi kyau")(lalaci) da ake amfani da su don nuna cewa abu yana rarraba ta biyu ba tare da barin ragowar ba (misali. "six is an even even number") (fi'ili) yi ko zama ma; daidaita ko daidaitawaKa lura cewa mahallin da aka yi amfani da kalmar a cikinta na iya rinjayar ainihin ma’anarta.

Sentence Examples

  1. Even with my glasses, I could only decipher a few letters.
  2. He shaped, sanded, and varnished it himself, even leaving some burnt edges scalloped and slanted to lend it an old-world charm.
  3. She simply wanted to find a guy to impress her grandfather and was even considering me.
  4. She told us even she had the intelligence to take Mr.
  5. I even tried convincing Myriam there was no proof Striker was involved in the grade changes.
  6. Maybe even center the first episode around what was happening at Braxton this semester.
  7. Even Gabriel, despite not hearing from him for over seven years.
  8. The pearls gently bouncing around her neck as she walked back to the table were an even nicer touch.
  9. He tried to mend the relationship, and even Lorraine had talked to Abby about the issues.
  10. All her gestures were over-exaggerated, and her words offered two, maybe even three levels to them.

TV Series Examples



They even killed the children.



Not even talking to them.



It's ridiculous, even for you.



- Or you could even buy a friend.



Even a million Dothraki



Even if the boy lives,