English to hausa meaning of

Sentence Examples

  1. One session focused on evasive maneuvers like shuffling backwards while parrying or twirling and blocking.
  2. The men were mostly surveying her with evasive glances.
  3. Car horns blared of the following vehicles forced to make evasive manoeuvres to stop ploughing in to the back of the stopped vehicle.
  4. Every encounter he had to this point happened when there was no one around to witness it which made him believe that the people behind this were trying to be as evasive as possible.
  5. It is unnecessary to dwell upon the evasive though polite manner with which the French general had eluded every attempt of Heyward to worm from him the purport of the communication he had proposed making, or on the decided, though still polished message, by which he now gave his enemy to understand, that, unless he chose to receive it in person, he should not receive it at all.
  6. Today she was being evasive, and beneath the façade of light-hearted conversation, she was being hostile and defiant.
  7. King Croc was gracious but evasive when it came to the intentions of King Blu.
  8. He seemed sincere there were no evasive or guilty tells that Georgie could distinguish, so she steered him back to the day before Roly disappeared.
  9. The oncoming vehicle made a quick evasive move and blasted its horn in disapproval.
  10. When TechnoServe attempted to discover more about their progress, MPE became evasive and did not want to share information.