English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "etching" ita ce: tsari na bugawa wanda farantin karfe aka fara shafa shi da wani abu mai jure acid, ana kiransa "ƙasa". "sannan a zana shi da allura don fallasa karfen. Daga nan sai a nutsar da farantin a cikin acid, wanda ke cinye ƙarfe da aka fallasa don ƙirƙirar layi ko ramukan da za su riƙe tawada. Sai a tsaftace farantin, a yi tawada, a buga shi. na etching.


  1. engraving

Sentence Examples

  1. Hoyvil at last stopped at the tall, narrow etching of a door in the wall.
  2. He had to push a shelf a few feet to fully expose the etching of a large rune.
  3. Dillon shone his light between the two passages and noted that there was an arrow etching on the passage to the right pointing that way.
  4. She watched him walk away, etching his stride into her memory.
  5. Hawke looked between me and it, confusion etching lines across his face.
  6. He was resplendent in his dark blue tunic, which was decorated with gold etching and hung to just above his knees, drawn tightly around his waist by a belt with a wide gold buckle.
  7. Cells lined the walls, and in the center of the floor sat what could have once been a well, with intricate stonework etching the marble.