English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “shigarwa” hanya ce ko yanki da mutane ke shiga gini ko ɗaki, galibi a falo ko ɗakin kwana da ke kaiwa ga babban ɓangaren ginin. Yawanci shi ne sarari na farko da mutane ke ci karo da su lokacin da suka shiga ginin kuma ya zama wuri mai canzawa tsakanin yanayin waje da cikin ginin. Har ila yau, hanyar shiga za ta iya komawa ga ƙofar ko ƙofar kanta, da kuma duk wani kayan ado ko aikin da ke kusa da kusa, kamar mashin riga, benci, ko takalmi.


  1. entrance
  2. entranceway
  3. entree
  4. entry

Sentence Examples

  1. I passed between two concrete planters decorated with flowers and garden rocks on either side of the entryway steps.
  2. The doorbell rang, and I set my wine down on the kitchen table and went through to the entryway of the cottage.
  3. He rushed past the counter and into the entryway where he plopped himself on a stool beside the dining table, resting his arms on the surface.
  4. He filled the entryway with his massive body, and his eyes took me in as I approached.
  5. Krista picked up on the scent of cooking lentils in the room and eyed the entryway, where her father kept some of his gardening tools on the wooden dining table alongside the stack of unset plates.
  6. Zalphium hurried down to the base level of the temple from the long staircase that led to the entryway, the largest room in the temple.
  7. He carried his medical case in his right hand past Judith and into the entryway, filling it with the scent of witch hazel.
  8. Before she could collect herself, about fifty paces away, Saulaph approached the back entrance only to be met by two cultists who appeared from the dark entryway.
  9. As the boys passed by the famous Chinese Theater with its lavish, ornate architecture and handprints-of-the-stars concrete entryway, a double-decker Starline tour bus rolled to a stop near the parked cars.
  10. One hung in her entryway from before things went bad between them.