English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "nishadi" ita ce samar da nishaɗi ko jin daɗi ga wani, yawanci ta hanyar wani nau'i na aiki ko ayyuka. Hakanan yana iya nufin karɓar baƙi ko karɓar baƙi ko yin la'akari ko shiga tare da ra'ayi ko yuwuwar. Bugu da ƙari, kalmar na iya nufin yin la'akari da ra'ayi ko yuwuwar ko bayar da baƙi ga baƙi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The great dining hall was rarely used only on Festival days and to entertain visiting heads of state.
  2. I felt bad enough to entertain the notion of turning around and going back to bed, but I managed to open up and do some business.
  3. But this kid, he continued to prod and to entertain the kitten.
  4. Like she usually did, she talked to me about nothing and everything, trying to entertain me with stories of her time backpacking in Europe, then she moved on to her brief stint with the Peace Corps.
  5. But others wanted to be the first to entertain you, sometimes so they could one-up their neighbors, but mostly out of genuine kindness.
  6. I assured him that Cearus is best pleased when happy sailors pay homage to him and said I would consider it a personal favor if he were to join us aboard and entertain my crew during their off-duty hours.
  7. This is one of those anomalous propositions which, seemingly appealing to thought altogether apart from the mathematical, is yet one which only the mathematician can fully entertain.
  8. But the thought that unnerved her most, the one she never dared entertain for more than a few seconds, was what if Peter was only being nice to Katie, too?
  9. On his rare breaks, he was willing to entertain my questions.
  10. Hopefully, there will be some good hunting to be done, which will entertain you during your stay.

TV Series Examples



Might l entertain you while you eat?