English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "engulf" ita ce kewaye ko rufe wani abu ko wani, musamman tare da babban taro ko adadin wani abu. Hakanan yana iya nufin haɗiye ko mamayewa, kamar a cikin ji ko motsin rai.

Sentence Examples

  1. He swung the wheel back to the other side, sliding the chariot past the mage as he tried to engulf them in flames.
  2. They were like two empty voids, waiting to engulf his soul.
  3. But were he wrecked, the living water would engulf him, helpless and he would indeed be lost.
  4. Claustrophobia threatened to engulf her, but she had to swallow that up for the sake of her daughter.
  5. The thing darted in towards him, its massive jaw open, to clamp around his body while its strange trunk coiled out to totally engulf him.
  6. With that final realisation, his own death rushed down to engulf him.
  7. She was panting uncontrollably, panic threatening to engulf her.
  8. Her shields dissolved under the force of its power, allowing the dark energy to engulf her.
  9. Disconnected from the uproar of welcome, Kallan sat, allowing the emptiness to engulf her.
  10. Hawke glanced upward a split second before they would engulf him.