English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "wanda aka baiwa" shine samar da inganci, iyawa, ko kadara. Hakanan yana iya nufin zama na halitta ko sanye take da wani inganci ko baiwa. Misali, ana iya ba wa wani babban hazaka ko kirkire-kirkire, ko kuma a bai wa jami’a makudan kudade daga mai ba da tallafi don tallafa wa shirye-shiryenta da tallafin karatu.

Sentence Examples

  1. Here my master interposing said it was a pity that creatures endowed with such prodigious abilities of mind as these advocates by the description of them must certainly be, were not rather encouraged to be instructors of others in wisdom and knowledge.
  2. The walls were easily as tall as ten men, thicker than four or five standing abreast, and made from a magically endowed dark-gray granite that some claimed was harder than arcite, the metal used in the most expensive weapons and armor in the world.
  3. Already the Wodan jarl had brought such upheaval to her life, and though grateful for the bounties he had endowed her with through Loki, she feared the greater changes he seemed to have in mind.
  4. But what made him still more fortunate, as he said himself, was having a daughter of such exceeding beauty, rare intelligence, gracefulness, and virtue, that everyone who knew her and beheld her marvelled at the extraordinary gifts with which heaven and nature had endowed her.
  5. I can hardly remember myself so petite, but then in some areas I was more, shall we say, endowed.
  6. To this I would reply that the same end would be, beyond all comparison, better attained by means of good plays than by those that are not so for after listening to an artistic and properly constructed play, the hearer will come away enlivened by the jests, instructed by the serious parts, full of admiration at the incidents, his wits sharpened by the arguments, warned by the tricks, all the wiser for the examples, inflamed against vice, and in love with virtue for in all these ways a good play will stimulate the mind of the hearer be he ever so boorish or dull and of all impossibilities the greatest is that a play endowed with all these qualities will not entertain, satisfy, and please much more than one wanting in them, like the greater number of those which are commonly acted now-a-days.
  7. The poor gentleman has no way of showing that he is a gentleman but by virtue, by being affable, well-bred, courteous, gentle-mannered, and kindly, not haughty, arrogant, or censorious, but above all by being charitable for by two maravedis given with a cheerful heart to the poor, he will show himself as generous as he who distributes alms with bell-ringing, and no one that perceives him to be endowed with the virtues I have named, even though he know him not, will fail to recognise and set him down as one of good blood and it would be strange were it not so praise has ever been the reward of virtue, and those who are virtuous cannot fail to receive commendation.
  8. As these noble Houyhnhnms are endowed by nature with a general disposition to all virtues, and have no conceptions or ideas of what is evil in a rational creature so their grand maxim is to cultivate reason, and to be wholly governed by it.
  9. She welcomed her with great kindness, charmed as well by her beauty as by her intelligence for in both respects the fair Morisco was richly endowed, and all the people of the city flocked to see her as though they had been summoned by the ringing of the bells.
  10. What I marvel at is, that I know it to be as sure as that it is now day, that Durandarte ended his life in my arms, and that, after his death, I took out his heart with my own hands and indeed it must have weighed more than two pounds, for, according to naturalists, he who has a large heart is more largely endowed with valour than he who has a small one.