English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "wanda aka haɗa" shine a yi nauyi ko auna nauyi tare da wani abu da ya wuce kima, kamar cikas ta jiki ko ta zuciya, cikas, ko wahala. Hakanan yana iya nufin hanawa ko hana wani motsi, ci gabansa, ko 'yancin yin aiki. Kalmar na iya nufin duk wani abu da ke haifar da shinge ko kuma ya sa mutum ya yi wahala ya cim ma wani abu, gami da abubuwa na zahiri, wajibai na shari'a, lamunin kuɗi, ko alhakin kai. Gabaɗaya, kalmar “kumbura” tana nuna ma’anar ruɗewa ko riƙewa ta hanyar wani abu da ke iyakance ikon ci gaba ko cimma buri.

Sentence Examples

  1. A third wore trappings and arms of an officer of the staff while the rest, from the plainness of the housings, and the traveling mails with which they were encumbered, were evidently fitted for the reception of as many menials, who were, seemingly, already waiting the pleasure of those they served.
  2. They were five encumbered walking units making their way up a well-worn track deep into a forest that saw so much bloodshed a hundred years ago.
  3. People of the name of Tupman, very lately settled there, and encumbered with many low connexions, but giving themselves immense airs, and expecting to be on a footing with the old established families.
  4. With the buoyancy the water offered, they were no longer encumbered by the need to lift dead body weight.
  5. But the impetuous young men were rewarded by finding that, encumbered with Cora, the Hurons were losing ground in the race.
  6. Marriell and Lyall bravely kept up although encumbered with frailty.
  7. Encumbered with sleep, Rune lay buried beneath a mountain of blankets, furs, and pillows.
  8. Encumbered by his rifle, and, perhaps, not sustained by so deep an interest in the captive as his companions, the scout suffered the latter to precede him a little, Uncas, in his turn, taking the lead of Heyward.