English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙarfafa" ita ce ba wa wani tallafi, amincewa, ko begen yin wani abu, musamman wani abu mai ƙalubale ko wuya. Hakanan yana iya nufin zaburarwa, ƙarfafawa, ko motsa wani ya ɗauki mataki ko ci gaba da wata manufa. Mahimmanci, lokacin da kuke ƙarfafa wani, kuna ba su kyakkyawan ra'ayi ko ƙarfafawa wanda ke taimaka musu su sami ƙarin ƙarfin gwiwa da ƙarfafawa don cimma sakamakon da suke so.


  1. bucked up

Sentence Examples

  1. Sliding a flat knife gently between wax and paper, she encouraged the seal to pop away intact from the lower sheet.
  2. I encouraged the ladies to run faster, eager to see what had happened to my father or someone else.
  3. Encouraged, Derik cups my breasts with his hands and sucks them like a baby in need of milk.
  4. Encouraged, I nibble his jaw and then softly bite the exposed length of his neck, earning a loud groan of satisfaction.
  5. Kate had even encouraged him to interview for the job.
  6. Arthur smiled down at the children and encouraged them to pet the mare.
  7. Through the guidance of my extended family and friends, who consistently encouraged me to pursue my passion, I found the confidence to take chances in life.
  8. She thought Connor would know other options and encouraged me to ask him about it when I brought up Maggie.
  9. Here, though, Hawke encouraged me to have as much of each plate as I liked.
  10. Sam encouraged his business partners to open sites in Bentonville as well, so the sleepy little northwest Arkansas town became a booming entrepreneurial hub.