English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "an rufe" ita ce kewaye ko rufe ta kowane bangare. Hakanan yana iya nufin haɗawa da wani abu, kamar wasiƙa ko daftarin aiki ruɗe a cikin ambulaf. Bugu da ƙari, "an rufe" na iya nufin wurin da ke rufe ko kuma a kulle, kamar lambun da ke kewaye ko kuma sarari wanda ke kewaye da bango ko shinge.

Sentence Examples

  1. They soon reached a small hut, near which, enclosed within some high palings, was the animal in question.
  2. The hour was late, and apart from those on watch they saw no-one else in the enclosed yard.
  3. With the low-hanging clouds and tall buildings, it felt more enclosed than the Passages, and the smell of exhaust fumes never really went away.
  4. Enclosed behind a wrought iron fence, the courtyard allowed unobstructed views of the sidewalks, streets, and businesses.
  5. They were so large that they enclosed the object, and even though Cianne crooked her neck and tried to peer sideways between them, she had no idea what he was holding.
  6. Enclosed within each area was a bed, storage locker, and desk.
  7. The shiniest of the objects laid in glass enclosed counters.
  8. I stuck my head outside to look in the enclosed front courtyard.
  9. Jack saw that the gates to the enclosed courtyard stood open, but until he turned a slight bend in the path ahead he was denied a view of the interior.
  10. Dropping the caftan over her body felt like being enclosed in a warm silky wrap.