English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "elucidation" shine aikin bayyana wani abu a sarari ko bayyana shi ta hanyar da ke da sauƙin fahimta. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsarin samar da haske ko ƙarin bayani kan wani batu ko ra'ayi. Ana iya yin hasashe ta hanyoyi daban-daban kamar sadarwa ta baki ko rubuce-rubuce, kayan gani, ko misalai.

Sentence Examples

  1. But although, in one or two instances, arrests were made which promised elucidation, yet nothing was elicited which could implicate the parties suspected and they were discharged forthwith.
  2. But the case with which these variable fancies were entertained, and the very plausibility which each assumed, should have been understood as indicative rather of the difficulties than of the facilities which must attend elucidation.