English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "elixir" wani maganin sihiri ne ko na magani wanda aka yi imanin yana da ikon warkar da dukkan cututtuka ko kuma tsawaita rayuwa har abada. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa wani abu ko bayani wanda ke da ikon canza ko inganta wani abu. Gabaɗaya, ana amfani da kalmar "elixir" sau da yawa don bayyana wani bayani na banmamaki ko magani wanda zai iya magance matsaloli masu wuya ko kuma samar da fa'idodi masu yawa.

Sentence Examples

  1. All because he wanted that stupid elixir so he could join the Blood Hounds.
  2. Even before Darkwing made his first attempt to steal the elixir and was caught by the Renascence Guard, she was still on the move and trying to find food.
  3. The healer in me wished to reach out and offer some kind of soothing words, some medicinal elixir, might quiet the rage within.
  4. I lifted my glass and took a healthy swallow, the fiery elixir burning my throat and clearing my head.
  5. Suddenly she recalled her discussion with the elixir shop owner about his nephew.
  6. Across the street was the potion store Darkwing wanted to steal the elixir from, its entrance opening onto a side street.
  7. The effect of the elixir made the laugh sound too loud in her ears.
  8. The elixir administered over the past few days made her feel very sedate and almost mindless, so Axandra had concerned herself only with sleeping and eating and not much else.
  9. His first movement was to free himself by a violent push from the encircling arms of his mother, and to rush forward to the casket from whence the count had taken the phial of elixir then, without asking permission of anyone, he proceeded, in all the wilfulness of a spoiled child unaccustomed to restrain either whims or caprices, to pull the corks out of all the bottles.