English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "cancanci" ita ce "damar yin ko samun wani abu; gamsar da sharuddan da suka dace ko cancanta." Hakanan yana iya nufin "sha'awa ko dacewa a matsayin abokin tarayya a cikin aure ko don wata dangantaka." Ainihin, kalmar tana nuna cewa wani ko wani abu ya cika sharuddan da ake bukata ko buƙatun don wata manufa ko matsayi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The young man willingly believed that the Huron deliberated on the most eligible manner of eluding the vigilance of his associates.
  2. Toward the southeast, but in immediate contact with the fort, was an entrenched camp, posted on a rocky eminence, that would have been far more eligible for the work itself, in which Hawkeye pointed out the presence of those auxiliary regiments that had so recently left the Hudson in their company.
  3. I can see you with your hair swept in a low knot, dancing and laughing with every eligible gentleman with able vision and fair health.
  4. Within half an hour they gained the margin of another opening that bore all the signs of having been also made by the beavers, and which those sagacious animals had probably been induced, by some accident, to abandon, for the more eligible position they now occupied.
  5. Make the requisite inquiries for a place of this description, and when you have met with an eligible spot, visit it, and if it possess the advantages desired, purchase it at once in your own name.
  6. Her uncle, Myron, King of Nubia, was loaning their castle to every eligible prince of Africa.
  7. The quietness of the game made it particularly eligible for Mr.
  8. But then again, I said, had she declared I was her husband, they would have seen that in choosing me she had not chosen so ill but that they might excuse her, for before Don Fernando had made his offer, they themselves could not have desired, if their desires had been ruled by reason, a more eligible husband for their daughter than I was and she, before taking the last fatal step of giving her hand, might easily have said that I had already given her mine, for I should have come forward to support any assertion of hers to that effect.
  9. I am an eligible gentleman of means with a reputable family and full head of hair.
  10. When a wizard or maglack kills someone, either magically or not, the family members on both sides are eligible to form connections.