English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "lif" wata na'ura ce da ake amfani da ita don motsa mutane ko kaya a tsaye tsakanin benaye ko matakan gini. Yawanci ya ƙunshi dandamali ko ɗakin da aka ɗaga kuma saukar da shi tare da hanyoyin jagora ko igiyoyi, galibi ana yin amfani da injin lantarki ko na'urar lantarki. A cikin Ingilishi na Biritaniya, ana yawan kiran lif a matsayin "ɗagawa."

Sentence Examples

  1. I push the elevator button, expecting TB to be following but he and Carmine have a tête-a-tête going.
  2. The elevator had halted under the first floor, and the entrance hall glittered below.
  3. On the way downstairs, I saw that someone had cleaned the blood from the left elevator, but it was still out of use.
  4. I try my best to ignore him and focus on the conversation around me, even though Holly to my right is now telling everyone else about those local gardens, details she planted on me in the elevator, pun intended.
  5. Winnie exits the elevator and turns right, not explaining.
  6. Winnie, bless her heart, nabs my hotel key and we head upstairs in a tiny, slow elevator to the fourth floor.
  7. I run through the restaurant until I reach Maddox at the elevator.
  8. When the doors of this pitifully slow elevator finally open I make a dash to the dining room.
  9. The elevator emitted a screeching sound, and began to slow down.
  10. We walk to the elevator in silence, an empty void that I created so many times before.