English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙaddara" ita ce ƙara ƙarin dalla-dalla, bayanai, ko bayani game da wani abu a cikin tsayayyen hanya. Hakanan yana iya nufin haɓakawa ko faɗaɗa ra'ayi ko ra'ayi tare da ƙayyadaddun bayanai masu rikitarwa ko misalai. Bugu da ƙari, "filayen" na iya bayyana wani abu mai rikitarwa, mai rikitarwa, ko dalla-dalla a cikin ƙira, gini, ko aiwatarwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. A couple mattresses thrown on the floor comprised his bed, and an elaborate multi-media center sat against one wall.
  2. Evan had hoped this was all some elaborate nightmare.
  3. Like someone would reveal this to be an elaborate prank.
  4. It was an elaborate system, protected by secret knocks, passwords, and handshakes.
  5. Lofty ceiling, navy walls, glassy, dark wood floors, and elaborate crown molding.
  6. Although if Shirley is behind this, then her acting skills, and the elaborate nature of her methods, are nothing short of phenomenal.
  7. Besides, would he really put me through all the worry for an elaborate ruse, one that so transparently implicates himself?
  8. Climbing the steps to an elaborate front porch, we found two beat up old couches.
  9. Red carpets ran the length of the corridor and elaborate statues and ornaments adorned the walls.
  10. Yet as repulsive as it was, it was nothing to the unspeakable revulsion with which she thought of the elaborate act she would have to carry on with Lach if she stayed.