English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "echo" sauti ne da ake nunawa a baya ga mai sauraro tare da jinkiri bayan an yi sauti na asali, ko kuma kusantar da ko maimaita wani abu da aka fada, aikata, ko tunani.A matsayin fi’ili, “echo” na nufin maimaita sauti ko aikin da aka ji ko aka gani, don samar da amsa, ko a tuna da wani abu. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga sake maimaita raƙuman sauti a cikin wani yanayi na musamman, ko amsa ko amsa ga wani bayani ko wani lamari.

Sentence Examples

  1. The grip on my wrist vanished, leaving an echo of emptiness and a waiting cell phone.
  2. The echo of footsteps was the only noise that sounded in the warren of corridors.
  3. The sedative lingered, Charlie had a moment of clarity, but it faded, and moans of the beasts started to echo down the street.
  4. Her ebullient little voice bounces around the farmhouse walls, off the concrete ceilings twelve feet high, fragmenting into a confusion of numerous little voices, her simple bold talk obfuscated by its own echo.
  5. He has thought it sagacious to echo the small talk of the lawyers, who, for the most part, content themselves with echoing the rectangular precepts of the courts.
  6. I quickly let go and dropped to the ground, the echo of the magic shock vibrating through my body.
  7. I could claim I recognized the scream but it was just a scream with a terrifying echo but no discernible Wyoming twang.
  8. When she spoke her voice held an echo like those in seashore caverns.
  9. There was an impressive spark in the gloom and the echo sounded louder than the shot had.
  10. Ahead the noise of horses crashing through dried wood and rotting vegetation came to her ears, but the sound seemed to echo from the solid wood around her and it was no easy task to locate the hunt.