English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "a sauƙaƙe" ita ce: da sauƙi ko ba tare da wahala ba; ba tare da kokari ko wahala ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. Easily the height of a three-storey apartment building.
  2. He evaded easily, turning his body to the side so her sword met air.
  3. The entire force of the Alliance was present there were easily three hundred people in the entrance hall.
  4. TB and Merrill are impressed with the mist images although Merrill points out that these could easily be chalked up to a natural mist occurring over the water.
  5. She was taller than Myriam and in her four-inch heels easily matched my height.
  6. Their sparring started similar to yesterday, Brooke swinging the sword and Tay dodging easily, but then it was time to work on her footwork.
  7. You might need to fight when your magic is depleted, an enchanted blade can kill anything as easily as sorcery.
  8. You idiots need to learn not to be led by others so easily.
  9. That could easily have been me, if Nell and I had been assigned to Valeria, not Earth.
  10. If a Venator did go missing in the forest, Brooke expected the Masters could track them down easily enough.

TV Series Examples



Too easily words of war



Jaime scared away the men easily enough,