English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "farko" ita ce: Farawa ko aikatawa kafin lokacin da aka saba ko da ake tsammani. Yana faruwa ko kasancewa a ɓangaren farko na tsawon lokaci, rana, mako, wata, da sauransu. Yana faruwa a ko kusa da farkon wani lokaci ko jeri. Gaba da lokacin da aka saba; da sauri. Ta kasance farkon mai goyan bayan sabuwar manufar. Shagon yana ba da rangwamen tsuntsu da wuri ga abokan cinikin da suka zo kafin karfe 10 na safe.

Sentence Examples

  1. I pulled into The Big Beanery parking lot to meet Myriam for an early breakfast on Monday morning.
  2. A student worker popped in to ask if he could leave fifteen minutes early for an unplanned baseball practice.
  3. There was an entry in early January about an exciting night out with W.
  4. With the retirement party over and no more source for season two, I could head back to Los Angeles early.
  5. The shock of suddenly embraced normalcy might bury me in an early grave before that doomed airplane.
  6. I went to sleep early and tried to forget all the drama and concerns.
  7. There was a radiant shine making her more attractive today than when we were in our early twenties.
  8. We were an hour early, but Nana D wanted to check out the tailgate party.
  9. Early Wednesday morning, I pushed aside those gnawing fears, skipped my normal run, and showed up in time for classes.
  10. She accused me of wishing her off to an early grave, but I assured her I only meant if she no longer had a reason to keep it.

TV Series Examples



l suffered an early mutilation myself.