English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar " rini" ita ce ƙara launi zuwa wani abu ta hanyar jiƙa shi a cikin wani ruwa mai ɗauke da launi ko kuma ta hanyar shafa mai launi kai tsaye a saman. Ana iya amfani da rini akan abubuwa daban-daban kamar masana'anta, gashi, fata, da takarda don cimma launi ko ƙirar da ake so. Ana yin rini sau da yawa daga abubuwan halitta ko na roba kuma ana iya shafa su ta hanyoyi daban-daban kamar su nutsewa, gogewa, ko feshi.

Sentence Examples

  1. She made the dye from burned coconut husks and a little water, and kept it in a coconut half shell.
  2. The deep crimson dye of the kilt reminded me of blood and made me fidget.
  3. The woman turned in my direction, frightened eyes peering from under her flaxen hair, brighter than any Earth-born person could achieve without dye.
  4. Hydro looked at the lake, the red dye was expanding.
  5. The dull brown hair dye made her skin seem more pallid than it appeared with her natural auburn hue, but the bright violet of her eyes shone with excitement as she mentally went over the notes.
  6. Guatiza is home to the prickly pear, farmed for its fruit and for the cochineal beetle, the source of the much-coveted dye.
  7. I knew all about dye packets and tracking devices.
  8. His robes were frayed at the collar and sleeves, as if worn for many years, their dye so dark that they appeared black.
  9. Her loss turned into an escapade to bleach and dye her hair purple during a sleepover.
  10. The drink had been to help her drown out the return of her nightmares, not dye her khiton.