English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "duke" tana da ma'anoni da yawa. Ga ma’anoni na farko:mai martaba na matsayi mafi girma na gado, ƙasa da basarake kuma sama da marquessa sovereign male ruler of a continental European duchy >Baturen basarake mai matsayi mafi girma, kasa da wani basarake kuma sama da wani majami'u, wanda memba ne a cikin mafi girman tsari na knighthood. ko kuma wani aikin injiniya.Kalmar “duke” kuma ana iya amfani da ita ba bisa ƙa’ida ba don komawa ga wani mai muhimmanci ko mai tasiri, kamar “duke jazz” ko “duke duke.” <> /p>

Sentence Examples

  1. No longer would she have to deal with divorce lawyers or Duke.
  2. She could finally live in an older home like she preferred instead of the modern glass and metal monstrosity Duke had insisted on during their marriage.
  3. Richard was sure she did and thought she was more aware and better informed than the Duke believed.
  4. Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk, watched him from where he sat near one of the windows and shook his head.
  5. He can raise a fair force to fight with him, he has support of Carew and the Duke of Suffolk, who between them can provide a good number of men to champion your cause.
  6. Her first meeting with Robert Duke Harrison Tenet.
  7. Edward, propped up on pillows, his breath rasping noisily from tortured lungs regarded the Duke with dark-rimmed eyes as he approached the bed.
  8. And, more importantly, how to ensure that as the Duke rose, they too would rise as well.
  9. Soon enough Duke charmed his way into a partnership with a prestigious law firm.
  10. In June, John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland, accepted the imminent death of Edward it was a matter of weeks, if not days, he had been told.