English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ducking" ita ce aikin sauke kai ko jikin mutum da sauri don guje wa wani abu ko shiga wani wuri maras kyau, ko kuma yin tsomawa ko nutsar da wani abu a cikin ruwa kaɗan. Haka kuma ana iya komawa ga al’adar danne mutum a cikin wata jarabawa wadda ake yawan sauke shi cikin ruwa a matsayin hukunci ko wulakanci. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "ducking" azaman sifa don kwatanta nau'in masana'anta ko tufafin da aka yi amfani da su don korar ruwa.


  1. duck hunting

Sentence Examples

  1. He was weaving round the dead, ducking and diving as the dead tried to grab him.
  2. After a while, he became aware of an otter working its way busily upstream, ducking into side pockets and sliding up and over small rocks.
  3. An axe wielding Onlekk struck first, but Evan found himself moving automatically, ducking fast before the axe took his head off.
  4. Katrina took off at a run and we followed, ducking branches and dodging brush.
  5. The blade flashed in the candlelight as she slashed right then left, darting her weapon in between the dangling lines and baubles, tumbling and ducking and rolling without brushing against a single one of them.
  6. Brooke yelped, instinctively ducking low, leaping back and shielding her face and stomach with each hand.
  7. Ducking low, I ran across the clearing toward a shed.
  8. Ducking past him, I made a beeline for freedom, sidling past customers and down a short hallway to the back door.
  9. Several of the infected poured from the mouth of an alley, fleeing the fire behind them, ducking into the shadows of cars and dumpsters and stairwells.
  10. I groaned and spun away, ducking as a massive fist flew over the top of my head.