English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "drone" tana da ma'anoni ƙamus da dama, waɗanda suka haɗa da: Kudan zuma namiji wanda ba shi da rowa kuma an san shi da ƙarar sauti. A. jirgin sama mai sarrafa nesa ko jirgin sama mara matuki (UAV) wanda galibi ana amfani da shi don dalilai na soja, sa ido, ko don ɗaukar hotuna da bidiyo na iska. inji ko kayan aiki. a ci gaba, ci gaba da sauti. Don yin magana da sautin guda ɗaya ko mara bambanci.

Sentence Examples

  1. You plot the distance across Manhattan and how long it took the drone to fly it.
  2. He was a nobody, a worker drone who went to a job he hated so that he could fulfil the tasks given to him by people who cared nothing for him.
  3. The drone is hugging the terrain to avoid radar and closing fast.
  4. The drone taxied into position on a runway and began its takeoff roll.
  5. Sitting here listening to this fine gentleman drone on about the establishment of Eureka Springs is failing to lodge anything within my brain.
  6. Even an idiot could calculate the speed of the drone from a video.
  7. No one, human or drone, was taking a noontime stroll, and, by virtue of my being on the far side of the lot, no cars were near mine.
  8. Lance mumbled to himself and leaned back in the bed, ignoring her drone.
  9. I shot a quick glance around the parking lot as I fixed my clothing luckily, there was no one around, either of the human or robotic drone persuasion.
  10. He hustled inside, scouring the busy room for Sherman Peabody among the many faces all gathered around their computer stations, scanning drone feeds, traffic camera feeds, internet activity, and the Dark Web.