English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "tuki" na iya bambanta dangane da yadda ake amfani da ita, amma gabaɗaya, tana nufin aikin sarrafawa ko sarrafa abin hawa, kamar mota, mota, ko bas, don jigilar kai ko wasu daga wannan wuri zuwa wani.A wasu wuraren, “tuki” kuma na iya komawa ga aikin turawa ko tura wani abu gaba, kamar tukin ƙusa a bango ko tuƙin ƙwallon da kulake a ciki. golf.Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "tuki" don kwatanta tasiri mai ƙarfi ko tursasawa, kamar buri na tuƙi ko guguwar ruwan sama.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her tongue teased him, tasting him, driving him to the brink of madness.
  2. The cannonball hit his stomach with incredible impact, driving the oxygen out of him and sending him skidding across the ground.
  3. After Henry mentions Sam driving a beat-up pickup truck because a fancier car would be impractical for hauling his hunting dogs, and the new green initiatives Walmart has begun, I have a new appreciation for the conglomerate.
  4. Traffic had stopped, and people were leaving the offices opposite Central and driving or just running away.
  5. I rented a car, determined not to care that I was driving up the credit card I worked so hard to clean out, and drove over to Eureka Springs first thing in the morning.
  6. I kicked it, again and again, driving it into the wall.
  7. I spent the rest of the day driving around Braxton and reminiscing about all the great times I had in the past with college friends and family, including when Francesca and Emma came home with me on a few trips.
  8. We had a horrible fight when I left Christmas night two years ago, after accusing him of driving away all his children.
  9. I went for the stunner while grabbing the wrist that held the knife with my other hand and pushing it back, driving the weapon away from my face.
  10. Hot damn, I thought driving back to Bentonville, I can talk to ghosts and help them move on.