English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mafarki" jerin tunani ne, hotuna, da kuma abubuwan da ke faruwa a cikin tunanin mutum lokacin barci ko yanayin rashin sani. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga buri ko buri da ake so, ko ra'ayi mai ban sha'awa ko rashin gaskiya, ko hangen nesa ko bege na gaba.

Sentence Examples

  1. When I did sleep, I had a long, involved dream with a lot of fighting.
  2. I went to sleep one night, and in a dream, I saw both notes, side by side.
  3. Travel writing was my dream in college, a career I wanted to start the moment that journalism diploma hit my greedy little hands.
  4. I dream the dog has my leg in its jaws and chews at my living flesh as though I am already dead meat.
  5. I tossed and turned and then woke up from a dream where I was wandering round a building, opening all these doors, but no one was inside.
  6. The Walmart Museum offers the story of Sam Walton, his dream that resulted in enormous wealth and possibly the death of small-town America, although I never say as much.
  7. That creepy man I spotted in my dream where James and Blair organized their sexual assignation plot in the hotel lobby now sits behind a desk, his face darkened by the shadow of a cap and his hands folded across his dirty calico shirt and overalls.
  8. He might have deceived himself that she had never been there at all, that everything that had happened between them had been nothing more than the most delicious dream he had ever dreamed, but her scent lingered.
  9. Because Walton insisted companies move to the area if they wanted to be part of his dream, and all these new businesses plus Walmart need transportation services, the lovely new airport was built.
  10. It seemed silly how much the trial had affected her, now it all felt like a bad dream.