English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jawo" ita ce yin magana a hankali tare da tsawaita sautin wasali, sau da yawa a cikin kasala ko kuma ja-gora. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga hanyar magana a hankali, kasala ko a hankali, kasala na yin wani abu.

Sentence Examples

  1. Tyler James was tall, dark, and handsome, with a Tennessee drawl few females could resist.
  2. The man with a thousand voices and accents affected an Alabama drawl straight from the deep south, reprising the role of Atticus Finch from To Kill a Mocking Bird.
  3. The engine was turned off very near by, two doors opened and closed almost on top of me, and a gravelly male voice, slurred with drink and a western drawl, growled just outside the door.
  4. Deep voices rose from the shadows, passing between a sharp staccato and a guttural drawl.
  5. His western drawl was unmistakable and recognition hit like a hammer.
  6. It was a firm and authoritative tone, not the meek and lazy drawl of the history teacher.
  7. Bending his head down, Eegor spoke with a deep, slow drawl into her ear.
  8. Definitely not the Hollywood, Tennessee Williams drawl most people assume to find here sprouting from residents dressed in seersucker and white bucks.
  9. Jesse-Butch Lipworth speaks with a heavy Southern drawl.