English to hausa meaning of

Bisa ga ƙamus, ma’anar kalmar “tsattsauran ra’ayi” ita ce kamar haka:sifa: (1) mai yiwuwa ya yi tasiri mai ƙarfi ko kuma mai nisa; (2) mai yuwuwa a haifar da matsananci ko tsauraran matakai da ake ɗauka; (3) yin aiki da ƙarfi ko yanke hukunci don kawo gagarumin canji; (4) yana da saurin canzawa ko manyan canje-canje; (5) matsananci ko tsattsauran ra'ayi; (6) yana da tasiri mai ƙarfi ko kuma mai zurfi. gwamnati ta dauki tsattsauran mataki don magance matsalar muhalli.Lafiyar majinyata ta nuna matukar ci gaba bayan aikin tiyatar. /li> Malamin ya yi amfani da matakai masu tsauri don kiyaye tarbiyya a cikin aji.

Sentence Examples

  1. Suddenly, there is a drastic shift in the tone of the entries.
  2. He knew our time was running out, and we needed to employ drastic measures to keep OmniLab viable.
  3. She conned Reggie into believing the ministry had to be saved and got Eddie to propose a drastic, dramatic plan.
  4. Only by hammering home the full horror of the crime, did he think he would get their permission to put into effect the drastic security measures he believed necessary.
  5. Only a desperate need to somehow strike back, do something drastic.
  6. It might seem drastic, but their mother is correct.
  7. The small cat was tranquilized and sleeping to protect her from the shock of this drastic change to her living situation.
  8. If I unlocked the shackles now, I still had almost no chance of escaping the guards flanking me, and knowing that I could free myself they might do something more drastic to keep me under control.