English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "drape" ita ce tsarawa, rataye, ko barin faɗuwa ta hanyar sako-sako ko annashuwa, musamman a cikin folds ko yadudduka. Hakanan yana iya nufin rufewa ko ƙawata wani abu da zane ko wani abu, sau da yawa don wata manufa ko tasiri. Bugu da ƙari, za a iya amfani da "drape" azaman suna don kwatanta wani yanki ko kayan da ake amfani da su don irin waɗannan dalilai.

Sentence Examples

  1. She slipped the black linen cloak over her head, letting it drape from her shoulders.
  2. One, for a homebody at that time of night, the lady was exceptionally well-dressed in a clinging red drape that more than hinted at the firm contours beneath.
  3. He let go of his reigns to drape the blanket across my shivering shoulders.
  4. I went to the bench and sat down, my full red skirts spreading out around me to drape into his lap.
  5. I drape the hand towel over me and open it cautiously.
  6. He expected to be able to snap his fingers and watch her drape herself across his lap.
  7. The last item he put on was his cross necklace, placing it over his head and letting the pendant drape across his chest plate.
  8. While they climb, wrap, and drop to the strains of a Tchaikovsky piece, I make a beeline to the pipe and drape.
  9. It was drastically different than what she was used to every drape was shredded, and not a single rug or vase was in one piece, yet it was the most beautiful dwelling she had ever seen because she was sharing it with Matthaios.
  10. I turn inside his embrace and drape my arms around his shoulders.