English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai ban mamaki" ita ce kamar haka:siffa: Dangane da wasan kwaikwayo ko wasan kwaikwayo; yana da ko yana iya ɗaukar hankali ko ban sha'awa bambanci; wasan kwaikwayo a yanayi. Misalin jimla: Wasan ya kasance mai ban mamaki wanda ya bar masu sauraro a gefen kujerunsu. mai da hankali; sananne ko mahimmanci. Misalin jumla: An sami canji mai ban mamaki a yanayin yayin da guguwar ta taso. na wasan kwaikwayo ko nuna a yanayi. Misalin jumla: Ya yi wata shiga mai ban mamaki, yana daga hannu yana ihu. m; mai tsanani. Misalin jumla: Fim ɗin yana da lokuta masu ban mamaki da yawa waɗanda suka sa masu kallo su shagaltu da su. na wasan kwaikwayo ko na ban mamaki. Misalin jumla: Ta ba da wasa mai ban mamaki a wurin bikin karramawar, wanda ya dauki hankalin kowa da kowa. mai karfi ko tasiri. Misalin jumla: Jawabin dan siyasar na cike da zantuka masu ban mamaki da zance masu karfi.

Sentence Examples

  1. The two intimidating boys clasped hands firmly and bumped fists with dramatic flair.
  2. Although our entry here is quite dramatic, the first age of our lives begins with only observation.
  3. Too dramatic for my taste, but I needed to keep my job.
  4. Her blond hair was bound in an elegant chignon, her makeup dramatic yet tasteful.
  5. The media people, catching every dramatic moment, looked ecstatic.
  6. I heard the valley referred to recently as the bohemian north, in reference to the artists and market traders and alternative types living up on this little plateau, drawn by the seclusion, and the softer, greener, though no less dramatic views.
  7. Her makeup is very deliberate and dramatic, with bright red lipstick and enough eyeliner and shadow to give her raccoon eyes.
  8. The news cameras rolled, taking in every violent moment while the flashing red lights of police and paramedic vehicles cast a dramatic strobe-light effect over the scene.
  9. Capstick carefully opened the ring-binder, partly to avoid throwing more dust around and partly for dramatic effect.
  10. Our second trip through the marketplace saw a dramatic drop in the number of dirty looks we got, though there were plenty of people who snickered as they passed by Hawke, pointing to his bright robe.