English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jawo" ita ce jawo ko motsa wani abu a saman sama tare da ƙoƙari ko wahala, ko kuma motsa kansa a hankali tare da ƙoƙari. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin tsawaitawa ko jinkirta wani abu, ko sanya shi ya ci gaba fiye da yadda ya kamata ko ake so.

Sentence Examples

  1. Abit went up to get his parents, and they came down the steps together, Vester looking like he was dragging Mildred to the picnic, and Mildred like she was dragging Vester.
  2. Dragging the reins free, he vaulted into the saddle.
  3. Evan seized his moment, dragging himself to his feet and fighting through the agony.
  4. Arms wrapped around my shoulders, dragging me away.
  5. Dragging my fingers over my eyes, I blinked at Ethan.
  6. Whilst Zeke and Jed fought like madmen, he ducked down and clasped Emi and Elijah by the wrists before hurrying backwards, dragging their bodies out of the fray.
  7. It got my attention, dragging me out of a vortex of resentment.
  8. Bystanders in the back fled, dragging along their families and crying out for help.
  9. He moved to avoid the onlekk guards who came around the corner, dragging a struggling Dark-Venator with them.

TV Series Examples



and dragging frightened children