English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙasa" ita ce alkiblar da iskar ke kadawa; a hanyar da iska ke tafiya. Kishiyar “upwind” ne, wanda ke nufin alkiblar da iskar ke kadawa. Ana amfani da "Downwind" sau da yawa a cikin mahallin da suka shafi jirgin sama, tuƙi, da ilimin yanayi.

Sentence Examples

  1. She thought she could see cows, barn cats, and it looked like a pig and some piglets occupied an enclosure to the side, well downwind.
  2. Engines whined to life and David taxied out onto the ramp, turning eastward toward the downwind end of the runway.
  3. The sail now down, she steered the craft back downwind.
  4. Bitter stink carried downwind where it assaulted his nostrils, settling on him like fog.
  5. After calming himself a little, Murdock noticed that he was downwind of the bear and decided to creep in closer and observe it.
  6. Afterward, he threw the carcass downwind as far as he could.
  7. She pulled the truck over before the rough road broke out of the tree line, at the downwind end of the runway.
  8. After hoisting his sail in the light wind, it puffed nicely, and he headed off on a downwind reach to the north, proceeding along the shore.
  9. Bray followed him keeping Stork who was hot on his heels in a downwind area.
  10. She had her hands full just keeping the sail pointed downwind.